The ABCs of Death: “M is for MMA (Masked Martial Artist)”

Hey everyone, Skeletroy here. This is a contest entry for the 2nd “ABCs of Death” competition. Please click on the link, and hit the like button while you’re there. This contest is based on the amount of likes each video recieves, so your support really helps. Also, keep an eye out for me in the video! Thanks for watching!

“M is for MMA” is a video by Dead By Dawn Productions, a horror based production company from Nova Scotia, Canada.

Comics On the Dot 7 – Artists

McFarlane, Liefeld, Larsen, Ditko, Kirby, Lee, Bagley, & Craig – what do we like?  What don’t we like?  More importantly, why?  Chris and Jimmy explore this and more on this episode.

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