The Isometric Perspective #25 – Video Games Based on TV Shows

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Skeletroy, Grant, and JimmyTR discuss some of the games that were licensed from television studios, and Skeletroy has a field day talking about Capcom games based on Disney cartoons.

Check out this episode

Spy Kids 3 Commentary

Jimmy & Cynic comment on the process of making the Spy Kids 3 review, and allude to future collaborations.

When That Ruled The World – 2 – Growing Up With Star Wars (11/05/2012)

Growing Up With Star Wars

Jimmy TR, Samantha Maybe, Thomas Fyrehart, and SkeleTroy Blockbuster discuss, compare, and contrast their memories of growing up with Star Wars, the original trilogy, the prequel trilogy, LucasArts games, the future of Lucasfilm, and, yes… Ewan MacGregor’s naughty bits.

Theme song – “Happy Ever After” by The Senseless – used with kind permission.

The CyniCritic & Jimmy TR: Spy Kids 3 (CC2)

The CyniCritic enlists a little help in reviewing the latest movie. A kids movie so bad that even many kids can’t stand it. How much more fail can you get?

Commentary for this review can be found here.