The Isometric Perspective #25 – Video Games Based on TV Shows

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Skeletroy, Grant, and JimmyTR discuss some of the games that were licensed from television studios, and Skeletroy has a field day talking about Capcom games based on Disney cartoons.

Check out this episode

The Isometric Perspective #21 – TV Shows Based on Video Games

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Skeletroy, Grant, and JimmyTR talk about some of the shows that scarred them as children, and Jimmy does impressions of all the Captain N characters.

Check out this episode

The Isometric Perspective #20b – The Cinematic Aspect of Gaming (part 2)

Skeletroy, Grant, JimmyTR, and Graham the Re-Animator finish up their discussion by talking about music, sound design, and reveal some of their favorite cinematic games overall.

The Isometric Perspective #20 – The Cinematic Aspect of Gaming (part 1)

Skeletroy, Grant, JimmyTR, and Graham the Re-Animator discuss how video games bring a cinematic experience to the table. Note: This episode ran a little long, so check back next week for part 2.

The Isometric Perspective #19 – Cost vs. Expectation

Skeletroy, Grant, JimmyTR, and Graham the Re-Animator talk about the (mostly low) prices we pay for gaming, and the expectations we have as a result of it. Also, Jimmy tells a heartwarming story about spitting blood into a bucket…seriously, he does.

The Isometric Perspective #15 – A Casual Conversation

Skeletroy didn’t feel like doing research after the long week that was E3. So tonight, Skeletroy, Grant, JimmyTR, Samantha Maybe, and Bennett Fiasco talk about Mortal Kombat, Super Hero games, and arcade memories.