NNTV Update: 8/13

All right, so I decided to go ahead hand set up a blogspot for NNTV.

(Editors note:you can also reach the blog by going to Blog.NetworkNextTV.com)

It’s basically going to function as a means for me to attempt staying organized and letting people know what’s going on In NNTVLand as it relate, not only to my shows, but anything I’m generally involved in, be it podcasts, crossovers, whatever.  The hiatus SHOULD be over come September 4th.

The updates I’ve already posted on the blog will explain why my schedule is so different from what I revealed was in my upcoming plans.

Adver-tainment Production Journal – Update #3

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Hey everyone, it’s time for the weekly update! Why am I doing these, you may be asking? There are three answers. 1) I want you to know that I’m working at this, and it’s a huge undertaking. I don’t know of many other internet producers who will start planning out their series half a year in advance, but I also don’t know of many other series like this one. 2) I need to keep myself motivated, and by letting you know what I’ve done in the past week, it shows that I am getting things accomplished. 3) To have a record of what I’ve done, to inform anyone else who may be havings problems trying to accomplish a similar goal. If you have a question, please feel free to ask it and I’ll do my best to answer you.

Over the past few weeks I’ve had several ideas about what I wanted to do with season 2 of Adver-tainment. As many of you know by now, I’m not a person who is interested in doing the same thing over and over (except for maybe the phone gag from season 1), so I’ve been thinking about the direction I want to go. I’ve had enough good ideas to have the initial plan splinter off into two very separate plans. The original idea for season 2 has been put on the back burner, and may potentially be re-visited in another year or two as season 3. I did download over 300 TV commercials, it would be a shame not to use them. Without giving away too much yet, the plan I’m going with now is to pay homage/do a parody of a video game. I’m not going to reveal which game it is yet, but I can say that I’m pulling elements from a LOT of other games to flesh out the story. If season 1 was my love letter to print ads, season 2 will be my love letter to the NES.

As far as I can tell, there are going to be at least eight episodes in season 2, possibly nine. I had previously mentioned there being seven, but that was going with the original plan I had initially set up (to do a total of 20 episodes, and call it a day). I’ve been working hard to get the scripts written, and should have them completed in another week or two. One thing that’s been helping greatly is that I have the support and assistance of the ThatRuled family, which makes joke writing a lot easier. You’re probably going to see/hear a lot of them in this season as well, I’m not going to be throwing roles into the ether and allowing whatever random person on the internet wants to voice them this time. You’re going to hear a lot of my co-hosts from The Isometric Perspective, Grant Beard and JimmyTR (the latter of whom I’ll reveal is going to be playing the role of Nick Fury), as well as my good friend and phenomenal voice actor, Colin Bent. He did the voices for Cap’n Crunch, Mike Haggar, and Dracula in season 1 (as well as several other minor roles), and I’m super excited to be bringing him along for season 2.

Sorry if this update came across as a little cryptic, but I hope you understand that I don’t want to just tell you everything and spoil the surprises I have in store. Check back here next Friday for the next update! There’s a lot of news, stories, and (hopefully) interesting tidbits in the weeks and months to come. Stay tuned!

*August 10th addition* – While I’m not going to reveal what game I’m basing season 2 on, in each update I’ll let you know about a game that I’m using portions of. This week’s game is The Punisher, expect to see a character from that game.