CotD 13 – DC’s Recent Debacles

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Skeletroy sits down with NNTV Chris to discuss the current state of the DC Universe.

Check out this episode

ROTLA 6 – Podcasting (6/9/2013)

This is a special edition of Reviewers of the Lost Art, where Jimmy TR takes on Graham the Reanimator (Left of the Dial, Geek Thoughts), along with BenFromCanada (Geek Thoughts) to discuss the ins and outs of podcasting (reread this description after listening to the podcast for a cheap laugh).

TV(tehe) Bravest Warriors: Season 1

Samantha Maybe is back again to watch cartoons and entertain you with her whimsy. In this episode she watches Bravest Warriors Season 1 in its entirety.

Bravest Warriors is a production of Cartoon Hangover and is created by Pendleton Ward

The music featured in this episode is from Adventure Time

follow me on twitter @SamanthaMaybe

Thanks for watching! You’re Awesome.

ROTLA 4 – When Murphy’s Law Strikes (11/29/2012)

Jimmy TR, Alanah Sees, SkeleTroy Blockbuster, Samantha maybe, and Thomas Fyrehart discuss what to do when everything that can go wrong, does go wrong. Spolier: Sammiches are involved.

Reviewers Of The Lost Art 2 – Social Media (11/13/2012)

This time out, Jimmy TR, Samantha Maybe, SkeleTroy Blockbuster, Thomas Fyrehart, & TR newcomer Alanah Sees weigh in on Social Media: its usage, the implications of censorship versus accessibility, “the next big thing”, and more!

Reviewers Of The Lost Art 1: Getting Started With A New Show (11/09/2012)

Jimmy TR, NNTV, Thomas Fyrehart, & Samantha Maybe discuss the trials and tribulations of starting your own web series. In a fitting twist of fate, the video from the call was completely useless, and over half the audio was garbled beyond recognition.  So, the next day, we pushed forward to bring you this new show, albeit audio only.

We present to you our testament to being an online entertainment producer: When life hands you lemons, make a podcast.