The Isometric Perspective #32 – Video Game Cover Musicians

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Skeletroy, Grant, and JimmyTR talk about some of their favorite musicans and bands who make music based on video games. NOTE: Episodes 30 and 31 were recorded after this one, so any mentions of “the last episode” refer to episode 29.

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The Isometric Perspective # 31 – Digital vs Physical Gaming

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Skeletroy, Grant, and Jimmy discuss the future of downloadable games vs disc based ones, and get into an interesting discussion about video game manuals… no, really, it’s interesting.

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The Isometric Perspective #30 – Mighty No. 9

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Skeletroy, Grant, and JimmyTR talk about the recently finished Kickstarter campaign for Mighty No. 9, as well as discussing Capcom and Comcept, the Beta for Battlefield 4, and The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. These are exciting times!

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CFPE 04 – Canadian-American Relations

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Jimmy reveals the true purpose of ThatRuled, in a typically diplomatic fashion.

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CotD 13 – DC’s Recent Debacles

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Skeletroy sits down with NNTV Chris to discuss the current state of the DC Universe.

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The Isometric Perspective # 29 – Video Game Soundtracks

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Skeletroy, Grant, and Jimmy talk about some of their favorite songs from video games.

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CoTD 12 – Cinematic and Animated Universes, Pt 2

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Jimmy, Chris, Alanah, & Skeletroy continue their conversation of all things cinematic & comic book.  Enjoy!

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The Isometric Perspective 28 – Tokyo Game Show 2013

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While Troy is battling some Gremlins, Grant and Jimmy recap this week’s Tokyo Game Show.  Did Sony deliver the goods?  Find out!

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Consequences & RePercussions 01 – Sam Bean (The Berzerker/Senseless)

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Welcome to the first music-related podcast on ThatRuled!  Jimmy and Skeletroy will talk about Jimmy’s history in the industry, as well as their shared trials and tribulations being musicians throughout life.  Once in a while, they’ll have guests, and this guest was so awesome, we decided to make the conversation our first episode!

Here is a wonderful conversation with Sam Bean about The Berzerker, The Senseless, his current projects, on writing the Jimmy TR theme, and some exclusive news!

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Binaridiculous 02 – Technology Misconceptions

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Jimmy & Grant return with a tour de force of an episode!  This time, they cover everything modern tech, as it relates to enduser support, aspect ratios, resolutions, hardware, OS’s, and hardware of all kinds.  The prevailing theme? 

You’re probably concerned about all the wrong stuff!  Let Binaridiculous pass your workday more smoothly, and drop some knowledge on you!

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The Isometric Perspective SPECIAL: Sony confirms gameplay capture via HDMI

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Jimmy and Troy briefly discuss the breaking news that Sony is allowing gameplay capture through HDMI. 


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CotD 11 – Cinematic and Animated Universes, Part 1

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Jimmy and Chris are joined by That Ruled producers Alanah Sees and Skeletroy Blockbuster to discuss the relationship between comic book universes on and of the silver screen.

Part 1 of 3 – only because we couldn’t shut up (and we really missed Alanah).

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The Isometric Perspective # 27 – Computer Gaming

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Skeletroy, Grant, and Jimmy talk about some of their earliest memories about playing video games on computers.

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CoTD 10 – Reboots and Retcons

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Jimmy and Chris talk about the often-villified practice  of rebooting and retconning characters withing the comic book world, both on and off the page!

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The Isometric Perspective #26 – The Evolution of Gaming in the 21st Century

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Skeletroy, Grant, and Jimmy talk about some of the changes that are occuring in video games, and about how this creates a different experience than previous generations have offered.

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Binaridiculous 01 – Video game input devices – a subjective history

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Grant and Jimmy of The Isometric Perspective go FULL NERD in this new, technology-centric, podcast series.  Not wanting to shock our listeners’ systems too much, the first episode is about the evolution of the video game controller.

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CotD 9 – Sidekicks and Partners

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Jimmy and Chris talk about legendary and not-so-legendary partnerships between comic book characters, and the dreaded term of “sidekick” (and, no, not the Subaru).

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The Isometric Perspective #25 – Video Games Based on TV Shows

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Skeletroy, Grant, and JimmyTR discuss some of the games that were licensed from television studios, and Skeletroy has a field day talking about Capcom games based on Disney cartoons.

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CFPE 3 – Junebugs in August

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Closing out the original trilogy of CFPE, we follow on as Jimmy descends further into madness, while Samantha, Grant, Skeletroy, and Chris attempt to pull Jimmy into the 21st century.

**NSFW or anyone under 17**

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Comics on the Dot SPECIAL – Time Warp

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Loyal Listeners, due to unforeseen circumstances, this week’s CoTD will not be released today. As a consolation prize, we are re-releasing the episode of When That Ruled The World (the podcast that started it all) on Comic Books.  Hear Jimmy TR, Chris NNTV, Thomas Fyrehart, Samantha Maybe, and SkeleTroy Blockbuster discuss their various memories and opinions about growing up in a culture deeply influenced by Comic Books, circa November 2012.

Thanks for listening to our shows – You’re awesome.

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