When That Ruled The World – 5 – Censorship in Pop Culture

Jimmy TR, Skeletroy Blockbuster, NNTV Chris, Thomas Fyrehart, & special guest Hobo Jojo (from the TR Plays videos) discuss the recurring scapegoating of popular media, as a replacement for personal responsibility.

When That Ruled The World 4 – Queen

Jimmy TR, Samantha Maybe, Alanah Sees, SkeleTroy Blockbuster, & Thomas Fyrehart discuss the band they unanimously agree is the best to ever exist: Queen.  The conversation jumps from childhood memories and karaoke to clapping bears, Alice in Chains clones, & Cannibal Corpse pep rallies.

When That Ruled The World 3 – Growing Up in a World of Comic Books (11/09/2012)

Jimmy TR, Chris NNTV, Thomas Fyrehart, Samantha Maybe, and SkeleTroy Blockbuster discuss their various memories and opinions about growing up in a culture deeply influenced by Comic Books.

When That Ruled The World – 2 – Growing Up With Star Wars (11/05/2012)

Growing Up With Star Wars

Jimmy TR, Samantha Maybe, Thomas Fyrehart, and SkeleTroy Blockbuster discuss, compare, and contrast their memories of growing up with Star Wars, the original trilogy, the prequel trilogy, LucasArts games, the future of Lucasfilm, and, yes… Ewan MacGregor’s naughty bits.

Theme song – “Happy Ever After” by The Senseless – used with kind permission.

When That Ruled The World 1: 11/02/2012

What was Your First Video Game Console Experience?

Jimmy TR & Tom Fyrehart talk about their first experiences with video game consoles, the international video game market, & all things in between!

Theme song – “Happy Ever After” by The Senseless – used with kind permission.