The Ring Of Fyre – Episode 34

In this episode of The Ring Of Fyre, Thomas mainly discusses his thoughts on Chris Sabin winning the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.


The Ring Of Fyre – Episode 32

The Ring Of Fyre returns (quicker than expected) with Thomas’ predictions for the 2013 Money In The Bank PPV.

Money In The Bank 2013 Predictions

The Ring Of Fyre – Episode 31

The Ring Of Fyre returns……finally….with Thomas’ thoughts on The Wyatt Family’s debut and the Tag Title match for the upcoming PPV being relegated to the pre-show.

Wyatt Family Values

The Ring Of Fyre – Episode 30

The Ring Of Fyre returns with a review of the critically acclaimed wrestling-related movie, The Wrestler. Will it live up to Thomas’ expectations?

The Ring of Fyre – Episode 29

The Ring Of Fyre returns with Thomas’ thoughts on WrestleMania 29.


Ring Of Fyre Special: Top 5 Potential Opponents For The Undertaker At WrestleMania

The first Ring Of Fyre Special for 2013, in which Thomas counts down the top 5 people he’d most like to see face The Undertaker at next year’s WrestleMania……if the Undertaker competes next year anyway.

The Ring Of Fyre – Episode 27

The Ring Of Fyre returns with Thomas’ thoughts on Dolph Ziggler leading into WrestleMania 29


The Ring Of Fyre – Episode 26

After a 3 month absence, The Ring Of Fyre returns, and Thomas aims to take the show in a slightly different direction.


The Ring Of Fyre – Episode 25

The Ring Of Fyre returns for the last episode of the year. Will it fair any better than the previous show? Eh, probably.


The Ring Of Fyre – Episode 23

The Ring Of Fyre returns with what may be the shortest episode to date……not too much to talk about I guess


Ring Of Fyre Special: Thoughts On WWE Survivor Series 2012

Thomas gives his thoughts on the latest PPV offering from WWE, Survivor Series 2012!

The Ring Of Fyre – Episode 23

This time on The Ring Of Fyre……….ugh……….should I have even bothered?

Apathy Strikes Back

When That Ruled The World 3 – Growing Up in a World of Comic Books (11/09/2012)

Jimmy TR, Chris NNTV, Thomas Fyrehart, Samantha Maybe, and SkeleTroy Blockbuster discuss their various memories and opinions about growing up in a culture deeply influenced by Comic Books.

The Ring Of Fyre – Episode 22

This time on The Ring Of Fyre……..just…..what the hell happened?
Super Sintendo

Ring Of Fyre Shorts: Thoughts On Bound For Glory 2012

Having decided not to do a full review for the show, Thomas instead gives his thoughts on the PPV in overview form.

The Ring Of Fyre – Episode 14

This time on The Ring Of Fyre, Thomas reviews SummerSlam 2012!



The Ring Of Fyre – Episode 13

It’s back to business with The Ring Of Fyre again, let’s see if returning to reviewing Superstars & SmackDown was a good move or not!

PART 1 – A Clockwork Saviour

PART 2 – Jericho Takes Manhattan